CONSULTING services & Workshops:
Visioning, Values & Strategic Alignment— Lighting the way to focus attention, a clear vision is step one to experiencing ease and enjoyment. A catalyst for achieving goals and aligning teams.
Sustainable Growth Insights— Continue your journey of alignment toward your vision with continuous energetic and strategic support. A way to ensure improved enthusiasm, collaboration, and rippling impact.
Brand/Essence Development— Crystalize your intentions, values, essence in your identity, products, services and allow the rest to flow. A strategic foundation for creative flow, with ease.
Design, Storytelling & Strategic Communications— Focusing aligned intentions with integrity across all experiential opportunities resonate with audiences and within. A suggested next step: potential partnership intros.
Gentle yet Direct Agent of Change— Reinvigorate your circle of leaders with openness, curiosity, presence and discernment, while collaborating on a fun, innovative project. A transformative in-house shift resulting in ‘awe’.
In-Depth Experience Audit — Straight-forward or in stealth, we integrate into organizations, absorb culture, assess interactions and harmony. Report includes a metrics on current vibes, psychological safety, obstacles, and stuckness. The goal: clarity and presence, to facilitate productivity, and flowing growth. An internal reality check.