What’s your favorite thing to do?
I love how we love exploring the thought-processes, learning and asking questions (that often shake things up) to get to a point where we, Magentic, can see enough of what a client sees, and crystallize or clarify their vision into something that’s real—shareable with others. Then, we deeply align the brand and products or services internally and externally, strategically, culturally, commercially, and competitively viably (often through informal ‘mvp’ style testing). We refer to this process and goal as “deep branding”.
I love to be able to offer my expertise, attention and guidance—as well as my humility. When I don’t know something, I’ll tell you, and then depending on what you want to do, I’ll either I’ll find out myself, ask someone who does know, or pull them into the project for extended services. You’ll hear me say this a lot, it’s all about win-win-win-win-win for me… as many wins for as many people and entities as we can string together, the better.
Above all, my joy is guiding people to discover their own creativity and supporting them in their own process of (re)branding or (re)defining themselves, or evolving their entire companies—whatever that may look like—with purpose, vision, and integrity.
So you’ve got three kids and a company, how do you seem so zen?
(Laughs.) Mmm. You know, almost everyone asks me this. Practice? When in alignment, everything feels playful and easy—and that’s the goal, for everything. Alignment is the ultimate comfort, though that word ‘comfort’ may be misleading. It’s is comfortable because it's 'right'. It's easy, because I'm not fighting ‘myself’, I’m flowing—I’m ‘in’ the flow with something greater than me, or my energy alone. ‘Comfort’ or ‘ease’ don’t mean that I don’t have difficult conversations, or that I never feel crazed, overtired or whatever—au contraire—it means I do my best to flow right into them and in doing so, release any tension before it actually builds up. In theory. Home-schooling during the quarantines was a great way to practice my ‘zen’—and build out a bigger team for Magentic, fast.
After the pandemic, I needed to cool everything down a little, but that turned into signing myself up for a 200hr RYT yoga teacher training with a focus on the yogic philosophy. Taking that training helped put many of the ah-ha discoveries I’d cultivated on my own into a beautiful organization system for deeper comprehension, contemplation, and connections. (lilaflow.com—awesome YTT program btw—one of my childhod bffs founded it: Taryn!)
My kids are three of my greatest teachers. I learn from them every day, and they often teach me things about myself through their reflections of me, and my behaviors with them. I heard once that if you’re the parent you want to be at least 50% of the time, your kids will know the difference. Being able to be intentional in those moments matters—like when my son pulled a dozen eggs off the counter into a splatter on the floor, I didn’t scold him. I asked him how the eggs felt and described textures. Meanwhile, my girls had climbed onto the counter cracking up and ‘ewwing’ at the sliminess of the mess. I videoed it too, and I so glad I did—it’s become one of our kids’ favorite home videos and memories. So it’s those moments, when the “eggs hit the floor” that happen at home and in business—and there’s always a choice of how to respond. I’d rather learn and laugh.
What does alignment bring to you?
Presence. Peace. Magical moments. Flow. And cashflow. All-in-due-time-patience.
I’ve always been laser-focused—like, almost weirdly so. I can envision the future, in a way that’s so real. A multitude of possibilities. And I get to choose which one to experience with my body by being intentional. It’s not just that I feel compelled to reel it in, it’s a gift to get to.
I use alignment as a long-term tool combining all of my experiences and passions and lets me funnel my energy into me the stuff that truly matters to me, so I get to work on, do, and play with more of that stuff. And then, every day, I get to focus on bringing value to others in a unique and meaningful way—how cool is that?!
By staying within integrity with myself, I get to evolve my dreams—future realities—and reel them into reality.
Are you always in alignment?
[Laughs]. No. I'm a work in progress. We are all works in progress. The notion that anyone would expect anyone, including themselves, to be anything all of the time—it’s just not human, or healthy.
When I’m not in alignment, for me, it’s usually becasue I’m not setting proper, authentic boundaries—I notice because things start to feel overwhelming, heavy, or just plain un-fun. Plus, motherhood and creating this company keeps me on my toes—I’m dancing to find my next step, all the time.
Here’s a tip for how I realign myself: when I notice my mis-alignment, I calmly thank myself—practicing gratitude, speaking kindly to myself—for the opportunity to choose to reset my intentions, or to release my fears until I know they’re founded… then I move on to whatever’s next!
I am in charge of setting myself up for success, and that means making sure I have the tools and skills to take charge of my life. If I’m ever unsure, I’ll ask. If I can absorb more knowledge, I’ll read—if I still need more help, I’ll enroll in a class, or hire someone with an expertise I don’t have or ’need’. (I saw need with air quotes because in those cases I do need the results, but I don’t need to do it myself.)
For instance, when I started Magentic, I was anxious about taking on the responsibility of starting a company on my own because I'd literally be responsible for everything—at least at first—and I am not an expert in everything [laughs], but the finances and accounting scared me the most. So, I enrolled myself in the hardest Financial Accounting class I could find and easily do expeditiously—so I enrolled at Wharton, on Coursera—to prove to myself that I was capable. I passed. I’m still no expert, but I stepped through my fear and moved on. Haha. And the most important lesson is that I learned is that I need a good accountant!
Touché. What do you love the most?