Strategic Branding Expertise & Compassionate Creative Leadership for People Who Value Integrity

(In English or en français, si on peut se tutoyer.)


Serve With Authenticity

Our services help our clients actualize and express deeply resonant transformations—gracefully and powerfully.


All past and present clients are connected via word-of-mouth referrals—and the energy within those words. ✨

Activating stealth mode is not a problem. Much of our client work is confidential. Your (legal) secrets stay with us.

We’re honored to share testimonials referencing our work. Please see what people have written here, or contact us for direct references to our impact with a 100-yr old business, startups Seed to Series D, and individuals across the globe.


Most Requested Offerings:

Alignment 1:1 session: Clarify where you are now and align for your flowing future.

French Startup GTM in USA: Advisor & editor for French startups expanding into the USA.

Chief Creative Consultant: We connect dots, whisper in your ear, and deliver your vision.

Culture Alignment: Consciously see, shift, and grow with flowing clarity.

Conscious Leadership Coaching: Ease into an effortlessness flow of curated intention.


CONSULTING services:

Visioning, Values & Strategic Alignment — Lighting the way to focus attention, a clear vision is step one to experiencing ease and enjoyment. A catalyst for achieving goals and aligning teams.

Brand/Essence Development— Crystalize your intentions, values, essence in your identity, products, services and allow the rest to flow. A strategic foundation for creative flow, with ease.

Design, Storytelling & Strategic Communications— Focusing aligned intentions with integrity across all experiential opportunities resonate with audiences and within. A suggested next step.

Change AgentReinvigorate a circle of high-level executives within your business while collaborating on a fun, innovative project resulting in ‘awe’. A transformative in-house experience.

In-Depth Experience Audit — Straight-forward or in stealth mode, we integrate into your business, absorb your culture, interactions, and reality. Report details the current vibe and offers strategies to redirect energy to overcome obstacles, promote productivity and grow. A clear start.

WORKSHOPS, speaking Engagements, experiences:

Magentic’s Signature: Deep Brands — A deep brand aligns all people, creativity, innovation, and intentions to generate a powerful magnetic field attracting and repelling brand interactions. A new dimension to play within.

Visioning, Values & Strategic Alignment — Lighting the way to focus attention, a clear vision is step one to experiencing ease and enjoyment. A transparent core for achieving goals and aligning teams.

Refresh & Re-energize — Refresh and transform your space (physical and energetic) with techniques for stress relief and allowing ease. A zen zone for increased productivity and good vibes.

Creative Collaboration— Creative collaborations allow us to put our heads together to combine perspectives and offer insight with other creative professionals. A ‘think-tank’ sounding board.

Creative Empowerment Roundtable discussions guiding all professionals to recognize their own creativity while discussing the brand’s magnetic field from all perspectives. A creative catalyst.

Transformation, The TopicA discussion panelist on the impacts of change, integration, growth, innovation, enthusiasm, loyalty, opportunity, and scale on culture. A ‘full circle’ is a propeller, in time.

Guidance & Goals

Advisory Guide — We love holding time and space to guide companies, startups, and individuals through unique goals, whatever they may be. An open opportunity for our support & expertise.

Meaningful MentorsWe love to meet and fly with all people (maybe, especially new parents re-entering the workforce). A way to show our gratitude for soaring under and alongside our mentors’ wings.



We’re gently expanding, and are able to take on more clients at a time now.

We are happy to entertain ‘what would it take’ conversations for your business, goals, and intended impact. And, we always hold a few weekly hours for in-a-pinch advising, consulting, mentoring, or speaking engagements.

Now booking into Q4 2024 and 2025. (If an immediate need or discovery project needed sooner, let us know.)